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returntothepit >> discuss >> So I almost got arrested last night. For wearing tan shorts. by sacreligionnli on Sep 8,2008 1:21pm
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toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 1:21pm
My sis and I were playing at the lucky dog from 10-11:15 last night, and while we were performing i guess the MA state police were chasing some guy around the back streets of the area. Anyhow, when we're done I go outside to smoke a cigarette and while I'm out there I take a leak behind the building. As I come back out front, I get grabbed by about 4 ro 5 state troopers who drag me over to the side of the building and start asking me questions about where I've been and what I was doing.

Now apparently sir douche-a-lot and his crack team of investigative masterminds were having difficulty grasping the fact that I couldn't be this asshole they were looking for as I had a club full of people vouching for me, a guitar in the building(that I identified by model, color, case, and contents of said case), as well as a car in the parking lot which I had keys to and a registration with my name on it.

Somehow a motorcycle was involved in this, and they pull a jacket and helmet out of their ass and try to say it's mine. Turns out the guy they are looking for is even from the same town I am so they're doing everything they can to try to get me to admit that I'm someone I'm not. One cop even thought he tricked me into saying something(which I didn't) and went on some cocky rant about using "verbal judo." I laughed directly in his face, and it felt awesome.

So after all this, they bring some crackwhore from down the street who saw the guy they were looking for(who I later find out to be some 5'1 guy. I'm 6'2, mind you) and she IDs me as the guy who did whatever it was that pissed them off. I've been in cuffs for over an hour now and have the literal purple rings around my wrist, and they're on their way to put me in the cruiser and take me away due to this "overwhelming amount of evidence against me." Thankfully, the oldest and apparently smartest of all the worcester and state police that were there finally put two and two together and realized i wasn't the right person.

They fuckin took my picture too. So if they go to this guy and say "do you know this person?" the guy can just say "YEAH HE STOLE MY BIKE!" and i'll get fucked. I don't even know how to turn on a motorcycle.

In conclusion, upwards of 10 cops wasted an hour and a half of their time trying to get me to admit to something I obviously didn't do, meanwhile the actual perpetrator is getting away. GO POLICE!

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 8,2008 1:25pm
search this site for "don't talk to the police"

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 1:27pm
i think i've seen this before. my alibi was airtight though

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Sep 8,2008 1:30pm
These aren't the metalheads you're looking for.

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Sep 8,2008 1:52pm
Cops are wikkid smaht. That's why they became cops. It is hilarious when they try to outwit you with some meathead logic and only succeed in making themselves look more stupid.

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 1:53pm
"verbal judo" sir

toggletoggle post by Yeti at Sep 8,2008 3:20pm
it was Andy McKee.

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 3:20pm
hahaha. the weird thing was is that the guy was wearing tan shorts and was from millbury as well.

shit sucked.

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 3:22pm
was is? fail

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Sep 8,2008 3:35pm
I'm wearing tan shorts today in protest and solidarity with our brother Sacreligion NLI from Millbury. FIGHT THE POWER!

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 3:37pm
this oppression against khaki shorts will not stand! i'm with you brother conservationist!

toggletoggle post by aril at Sep 8,2008 3:38pm
sucks dude. I had something like that happen to me, as well as Paul from CNV after the Grave/Dismember show in 2006. awesome time, in retrospect.

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Sep 8,2008 3:38pm
I'm trying to figure out a way to wear a second pair as a shirt, and/or to make khaki lettering stand out on my protest sign. Next stop, RNC!

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 3:40pm
ii'm going to find a khaki jumpsuit with khaki socks and khaki bloomers.

toggletoggle post by oscarct  at Sep 8,2008 3:41pm
Verbal judo just fucked you up

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 3:42pm
verbal judo failed, actually

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Sep 8,2008 3:47pm
He actually said "verbal sudoku," meaning that he noticed you had two 7s and a 1, which meant the answer was 3.

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 3:53pm
he wasn't smart enough for that. it was more like verbal kids jumble

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 8,2008 3:55pm
[Sep 8,2008 1:27pm - sacreligionnli]
i think i've seen this before. my alibi was airtight though

oh so you obviously didn't see that video. let's see. Of the top of my head, you committed indecent exposure which is an offense that is punishable as a sex crime.

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 3:57pm
not too worried about it, sir. shit's already over and done with.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 8,2008 4:00pm
right, but you obviously didn't watch the video and in a similar situation, you told the cops that you committed a sex crime. Right now, that dude could have gotten away AND you would be on the sex offenders list. way to go!

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 4:04pm
when you said to search for it i thought you were talking about a different vid. the one with the different re-enacted scenarious of how to deal with cops.

and in retrospect, who even knows what that other guy did. what if he murdered someone? i'd much rather say i took a leak in public than be wrongfully accused of murder or armed robbery or something.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 8,2008 4:19pm
so you would rather get put on a sex offender's list for the rest of your life and have to register whenever you move like some dude who raped a little kid
and can't live near schools instead of being proven innocent for whatever that person did?

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 4:25pm
the whole "proven innocent" thing wasn't really panning out in my favor at all. if i hadn't said anything they would've have assumed i was guilty and with the crackwhore's statement saying i was the guy i didn't have much of a choice but to tell them what actually happened, which worked out way better than going to jail without any defense towards my name at all. fuck, i don't have an attorney, i would've ended up with fuckin lionel hutz or some shit.

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 4:26pm
1) i was in an alley near where he was seen
2) i was from the same town as the guy
3) i was ID'ed
4) they found a helmet and jacket that belonged to the guy in a dumpster in said alley
5) i was wearing similar street clothes

not saying anything would've really helped me, i bet.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 8,2008 4:31pm
an attorney would have been appointed if you could not afford one.

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 8,2008 4:33pm
yeah, lionel hutz.

"but we won the case"
"it's ok, the box was empty!"

toggletoggle post by hyper_sludge at Sep 8,2008 4:50pm
you should sue for emotional scarring. be a dickhead.

toggletoggle post by dftg at Sep 8,2008 4:59pm
did multiple testimonies that you were inside the club all night mean nothing at all?

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Sep 8,2008 5:07pm
sacreligionnli said[orig][quote]
he wasn't smart enough for that. it was more like verbal kids jumble

Shortened to "verbal bungle."

The good thing is that because they were looking for another crime, and because you took a leak where no one could see you, they didn't try any of this crazy "pissing in public is a sex crime" insanity.

No good conservative (or common sense liberal) should support the criminalization of urinating out of sight. Bathrooms at shows are Abominations of Desolation.

toggletoggle post by sxealex   at Sep 8,2008 6:08pm
you should sue definitely... that was total bs... email that story to a lawyer.

toggletoggle post by sxealex   at Sep 8,2008 6:08pm
maybe leave out the peeing part

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Sep 8,2008 6:21pm
September 7 is forever wear khaki day.

What's a good domain for this?

toggletoggle post by ouchdrummer   at Sep 8,2008 6:36pm
the_reverend said[orig][quote]
an attorney would have been appointed if you could not afford one.

have you ever had charges brought against you? If you cannot afford an attorney they will appoint you one. They will also set the fee for said attorney. Which even if you have a ridicules amount of debt, and take care of a child, is still based on your income. So someone like me would get one appointed for, oh, i would say exactly $300. Now, I don't dissagree with the fact that he doesn't want to be labeled a sexual offender. I feel that if he didn't tell the cops anything, and had to go to court, that they may have brought the charges for indecent exposure against him. Cops are fickle and typically stupid. When they have someone in custody, they want to do whatever they can to bring a charge against them. Not to mention that if they did actually want to uphold the law, they would probably be pretty angry that he didn't tell them the truth in the beginning when they still had a chance to catch the guy.

While not talking to cops is a great policy, there has to be a point where a person should say to them self "Maybe if i tell this cop whats going on, then maybe he won't totally fuck me."

I got pulled over with enough narcotics to go to jail for over 20years. and i got off with probation, and a 250$ fine. Because i told the cops the truth in the beginning. You gotta feel each situation out, and decide on the circumstances whether or not you'll talk.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 8,2008 6:41pm
if you had not talked to them and been smart, they would have never searched your car. My car has never been searched. I tell the cops respectfully that it is my right to not allow them to search the car. eos.
You also didn't watch the video obviously.

toggletoggle post by sxealex   at Sep 8,2008 6:41pm
i say he should just talk to a lawyer and see if they wanna take the case for free

toggletoggle post by sxealex   at Sep 8,2008 6:48pm
rev in all fairness once I got pulled over for having a headlight out and the cop was a little drunk or on pills I think since he was talking really close to my face... he grabbed my arm and yelled "what are you doing with your arm?!?!?"(which was just sitting there to my left doing nothing) then he had us get out and said nick and I were being suspicious so he searched my car(which was a fucking mess) then he found a screw driver on nick and said it could be called a concealed weapon. Then he just let us go.... O.o we were just driving to play pool in Woburn.

toggletoggle post by ouchdrummer   at Sep 8,2008 6:48pm
the_reverend said[orig][quote]
if you had not talked to them and been smart, they would have never searched your car. My car has never been searched. I tell the cops respectfully that it is my right to not allow them to search the car. eos.
You also didn't watch the video obviously.

wow. not true at all. I had just smoked in the car with 3 friends. They walked to the window of the car and immediately told us to get out when they smelled it. And i have had my car searched before without talking to them. Have you ever been arrested? I know in theory what your saying makes sense but the application of it in real life is a little different.

toggletoggle post by sxealex   at Sep 8,2008 6:53pm
I also got shot in the head once with a pellet gun at umass amherst. there was a riot about 1 hr be4 i was walking by (visiting a friend) there were 2 flipped cars so I walked down to look at them along with 10-15 others taking pictures. Someone yells cops!! so I turn around and I get nailed right in the head and then somehow I end up in a building on the 3rd floor in a bathroom cleaning my wound when we go into a common area and look out the window the cops shoot in two peper gas things?!?! There were only 2 of us in the room doing nothing but looking out.

toggletoggle post by ouchdrummer   at Sep 8,2008 7:00pm
sxealex said[orig][quote]
I also got shot in the head once with a pellet gun at umass amherst. there was a riot about 1 hr be4 i was walking by (visiting a friend) there were 2 flipped cars so I walked down to look at them along with 10-15 others taking pictures. Someone yells cops!! so I turn around and I get nailed right in the head and then somehow I end up in a building on the 3rd floor in a bathroom cleaning my wound when we go into a common area and look out the window the cops shoot in two peper gas things?!?! There were only 2 of us in the room doing nothing but looking out.

holy lame

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 8,2008 7:11pm
I haven't been arrested because I'm smart and politely remind the cops of my rights.

ouch, cops can not search your car without your permission, a warrant, or very good probably cause. Probable cause is not them smelling something. they would have to see something OR you would have to have committed a crime already. If they smell something, they either have to get a warrant or call in the dogs.

The cops can pull you out of the car and search you for their own protection. they can also detain you for a reasonable amount of time. Which is about 20 minutes. then they have to arrest you or send you on your way. Why don't you watch the fucking video so that you don't get screwed next time?

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 8,2008 7:12pm
and alex, when a military or police state is called, like with riots, all bets are off for your civil rights.

toggletoggle post by ouchdrummer   at Sep 8,2008 7:55pm
well it is a wonderful video. I'd be interested in seeing the part with the cop at the end from Virginia beach agreeing or disagreeing with anything. Obviously really smart stuff.

toggletoggle post by ouchdrummer   at Sep 8,2008 7:56pm
and yeah, i said C. and was wrong.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 8,2008 8:25pm
there are 6+ videos there.
watch the 47 minutes version where the cop agrees with everything.

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Sep 8,2008 8:36pm
the_reverend said[orig][quote]
ouch, cops can not search your car without your permission, a warrant, or very good probably cause. Probable cause is not them smelling something.

Looks like it varies with jurisdiction.

toggletoggle post by ouchdrummer   at Sep 8,2008 8:40pm
huh... crazy.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 8,2008 8:42pm
yes it does vary.

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Sep 8,2008 8:48pm edited Sep 8,2008 8:49pm
steph told me about this. craziness

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Sep 8,2008 10:16pm
the_reverend said[orig][quote]
yes it does vary.

I think what bothers me most about Sac's story is that he was doing nothing wrong.

I understand wanting to get a handle on a suspect, and being in a grey area when some stupid crack whore says he's the one (REMEMBER: ALL PEOPLE ARE EQUAL, LOL!!11!).


I would like a fascist society that ejected stupid, useless fuckers once and for all, so that people who aren't doing anything blatantly wrong (Sac) can get on with life.

If what they're doing is not against the basic mission of the society... why bother them?

Clearly there's some fjucker out there stealing bikes and causing problems. He probably does it again and again, and each time this story plays out in some variation. Same with the crack whore (was that a literal reference?). She's clearly a flake.

It would be very "green" to use the stupid people as fertilizer.

I commend Sac for his restraint in not getting absolutely furious. Even those of us who advocate some variant of the Total State do so from something fundamental to all of us: we hate, hate, hate authority that is incorrect.

Back to your regularly scheduled bloviation...

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Sep 8,2008 10:17pm
BTW, I'm still wearing tan shorts, and if anyone asks, I'm telling them the story.

toggletoggle post by sxealex   at Sep 8,2008 11:25pm
the_reverend said[orig][quote]
and alex, when a military or police state is called, like with riots, all bets are off for your civil rights.

yea well itd be nice if they posted this someplace.
curiosity killed the cat. wtf.

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 9,2008 12:31am
wtf ftw. thanks for agreeing with me guys.

and rev i understand where you're coming from, but in that situation i honestly believe not saying anything would have been incredibly detrimental to my situation and luckily the way i handled it worked out to my advantage. they would've seen me as some cocky asshole pleading the 5th because i was guilty and knew i didn't have to say anything without a lawyer. it was my honesty that led to the cops realizing it wasn't me. funny how their job is to protect and serve, not spend all their time trying to prove someone is guilty.

i'm really interested in what this guy did though. the 10 or so cops in front of the club were overshadowed by the other 20 cruisers in the neighborhood, which means it couldn't have been any misdemeanor.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 9,2008 12:40am
pleading the keeps the innocent from becoming the wrongly guilty.
not for the guilty to keep quiet.

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 9,2008 12:42am
yeah but as i said the cops were more concerned with saying i was the guy they were looking for as opposed to making sure that i WASN'T the guy they were looking for

toggletoggle post by sacreligionnli at Sep 9,2008 2:12am
i love when the cop in that video says: "you think the cop wants to get out of there, too? my overtime rate is $58 an hour. I'll stay there for ten hours and get the $600."

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